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    Slushie is the character from which the comic strip Slushie takes its name, as it is based off of his (mis)adventures.  Though his real name is actually Slushie, most of his friends aspire to use only one syllable and call him Slush instead.  He is lovable and friendly, on the good side of nearly every resident of Antarctica.  He has a pet bull (which he and the rest of the Antarctican population believe to be a cow) and works at Carl's, a supermarket in town owned by his business-oriented friend Carl.  Most often he can be seen hanging out in some lawn chairs with his best friend Marc, roaming Antarctica, or working at Carl's, always with a smile on his face and an opinion to share.


    Personality wise, Slush is a bit quirky.  Although thoughtful and intelligent, his outlook on the world is often naive, often leading to both interesting comments and occurences (such as his belief of all text posted on Wikipedia).  Slush's wit is often present in his love for puns, often reinforced or brought about by his best friend Marc.  Slush also has a bit of a romantic side in his affinity for Diane, the pearl necklace wearing inhabitant of Antarctica.  He once guarded an adopted egg for her (though he was terribly misguided by a television news story) and his shy desire to go out with her has only expanded since.  He strives to impress her, though his attempts do not always go as planned.  Perhaps one day he will finally gather the nerve to light that spark that she has in her eyes when she looks at him, but until then his attempts at wooing her will remian forever humorous.


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