About Slushie

In the simplest terms, Slushie is a comic strip about a penguin of the same name and the various other penguins and creatures in his zany life. Whether it is dealing with the unexpected results of a tanning salon, getting thrown in jail for overuse of wordplay, or engaging in a Battle of the Bands competition with a Mechanical George Washington, Slushie's life is consistently caught up in all kinds of strange adventures, often a by-product of his very active imagination. His best friend, Marc, and pet bull, Cow, are inevitably drawn in as well, while the rest of Antarctica just hopes to get out of it all relatively unscathed.
The strip began in October 2008, entirely hand-drawn in strictly black and white on cut strips of computer paper, all of varying size. Over time, Slushie gained color and eventually transitioned into being drawn on a tablet, which added a host of fun coloring and drawing techniques to the strip by the aid of computer. Despite stylistic changes, the strip's heart has remained in tact through the technological advances (and the humor has probably gotten even better, but you can be the judge of that).

Though primarily a web comic, Slushie has been featured in several print publications. Slushie experienced its print debut in 2010 when several strips from the comic were featured in The Tomahawk, newspaper of Fallbrook High School. The following year, Slushie began featuring regularly in New Univeristy, newspaper of the University of California, Irvine, where it stayed in print from 2011 to 2015. Finally, in Summer 2015, Slushie was published in its own dedicated work, a treasury collection of all strips up to the date of publication, called On the Origin of Slushie.

Slushie is written and illustrated by Bo André Lundqvist. As a very young child filled with a never-ending imagination and creative mind, Bo drew lots of comics and wrote many (very) short stories. When students in his 2nd grade class were told to bring in their favorite books, he (somewhat arrogantly) wrote and brought in a work of his own about an octopus. This early passion for writing eventually manifested itself in Slushie after Bo was inspired by a musical based on Greg Evan's beloved comic, Luann. Although never completely forsaking the creative arts, Bo pursued an education in Structural Engineering, graduating from University of California, Irvine with a Bachelor's degree in 2015 and from Stanford University with a Master's degree in 2017. In whatever spare time he can find, Bo enjoys playing games of all kinds, drawing Slushie (didn't see that coming, did ya?), and exercising his creative muscles by writing and painting. In addition to keeping up with Slushie, Bo is working on a novel and experiments with board and card games from time to time.