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    Diane absolutely captivates Slush.  It may be her natural charm or cute appearance.  Perhaps her warm heart and consistent compassion.  Maybe even the shiny pearl necklace she wears around her neck.  It is unkown exactly what the cause is, but, one thing is for sure, Slush desires the heart of this woman.


    Fortunately, she has a soft spot for him too, but, although she is far less shy about it than Slush, she is hesitant to admit it to him directly.  Additionally, she is the only character to consistently call Slush by his full name, Slushie.  She may not be as passionate as Slush, but she certainly is a romantic, though she may not admit that either.  She can usually be found hanging out with Kayla, her best friend, though she has often taken to some personal activities as well, like fishing (with a rod).  This actually displayed her tough side when a seal (Samuel) attempted to eat her; her intense slap stopped him in his tracks, reminding him of all the female seals with a similarly stinging slap.


   All in all, she is sweet, strong, and romantic, and her affinity for Slush could certainly be rewarding if he could only find a way to ask her out successfully.


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